Thursday, July 29, 2010

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention


Derived from Latin word novem for "new".

- The quality of being novel; newness.
- Something new and unusual; an innovation.


- Invention is something which creates the need.

- Take existing knowledge and create new ideas.

Edison invented the electric bulb. And suddenly everyone felt that they needed the bulb for light. Before the invention everyone was happy with candles, oil lamps and whatever else. So, the invention of bulb created the need.

Graham Bell invented telephone and everyone was dying to get a telephone connection. So, it again created the need of a telephone connection


-Innovation is something which is created by the need.

-Take the main idea that has been invented and modified the idea.

Within few years of invention of bulb, people felt that the light from the bulb hurts their eyes. And they started feeling the need of something which will not affect their eyes and will also serve as a source of light. So, somebody came up with a fluorescent lamp. The need forced people to innovate.

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